Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sneak Peek!

Technology these days never ceases to amaze me. Scott and I and the kids went for my 24 week ultrasound. We were excited to see the normal ultrasound pictures on the screen. Then the technician says, "let me try something." Up pops a perfect picture of our baby's face! We were so amazed...he/she looks just like Samuel did when he was born, just not as chubby yet. The baby has the same jaw line and nose. We just couldn't believe we were looking at our baby's face. A baby that only weighs a little over a pound and still has 3 months to go before being born. God is so creative. Anyway, just thought you might want to have a sneak peek at the new baby D. :)


John Davidson said...

Wow, that is impressive its that clear

Christina said...

What a cutie! You're right - it is really amazing. Keep the updates coming!

Hubs said...

Those are the best 4D pictures I have ever seen. So cool!

Hubs said...

Violet has been sick the past week and I had a tiny taste of what you must have been feeling when Samuel was super-sick. I don't know how you kept from worrying yourself to death. I know I know - trust God, but that does not mean nothing bad will happen it just means you can still trust Him if it does. Anyway, I am so glad that Samuel's sickness was just a temporary bug because that stuff that hangs on is kind of scary.

Scott and Emily's Blog said...

I is scary...I sure hope all is getting better at your home.