One day Samuel came running out of the bathroom yelling, "Mama, I had a saxophone poop." Sure enough (yes I had to go see it of course) his poop did resemble a saxophone!
While eating dinner at our friends the Campbells, Samuel at one point said he had to stop eating (it escapes me what he was eating) because it was going to make him toot. Then he said, "You know toot means you have gas."
Reading a book of children's poems there was a poem about telling a secret to and egret and the egret then shared it with all the other birds one of them being a Cockatoo. Well Samuel just cracked up when I read the part about a Cockatoo. I couldn't figure it out until he said, "Ha ha that said 'caca'too." He was laughing because caca in Romanian means poop! So it was a poopatoo! Now we laugh when Brennan poops or Samuel farts and we call them cockatoos. I don't know why bodily functions are so funny for kids and as one friend commented even for grown men.
Samuel really likes the Jabberwocky poem from Alice and Wonderland. He will often repeat lines from it while playing. Such as, "Callooh, Callay," "My beamish boy," or he will talk about his "vorpal sword." Here is a link to a video he just loves.
We had to have Samuel's carpet cleaned (long story) and the smell from the cleaning solutions was pretty strong; so I put Samuel to nap in our bed. I went to wake him up and when I opened the door he popped open his eyes. He helled out his hands palms up and hands open while saying, "Do you see this? Do you see this?" Well, naturally I went up to him and asked,"What what is it?" He didn't have anything in his hands and you could tell he was in between sleep and waking. Then he took his hands like he was pulling something stringy from one hand to the next. He said, "Do you see this? It's flubbery."
Samuel calls his farts, rocket blasters!
Samuel loves words. He will ask what a word means or a certain saying. Sometimes I just say words because I think he will like the way they sound. One day I told him the word "pumpernickel." He just cracked up laughing. Then at playgroup a couple days later we had been playing and it was time to leave. Samuel turns to Stephanie all excited and said, "Stephanie, I forgot to tell you something." Then he shouts, "Pumpernickel!" With thunderous laughter following.
"Mom, I am going to do you a flavor." says Samuel. "Do you mean a favor?" I say. "No, a flavor."
Samuel often has a great imagination. We will have make believe visitors with us through out the whole day. He will constantly give me updates on what they are doing or not doing, what they want to eat, if they are going with us in the car and what not. One day it was Delila and Chobacca the nice monsters. The next it's Aladdin and Tarzan.