Fall...the wonderful moments it brings to us every year! Whether it was drinking hot chocolate at the pumpkin patch, going through the hay stack maze and getting all muddy, playing in leaves, climbing trees, riding bikes, or trick or treating, we enjoyed all the beauty that Autumn offered us once again.
Samuel's 1st Hair Cut

A couple of days before Samuel's 3rd birthday party we decided to get his hair cut for the first time. Oh my, I didn't realize how sentimental this would make Scott and I. Mema came to watch the big event also; it was a big deal to see those curls go! Samuel was such a big boy. While we were there it started to pour down rain, thunder, and lightening. The lights even went out a couple of times, but Samuel (who is usually scared of storms) did not even cry. He simply sat in the chair and let the hairdresser cut is golden locks! Our "Sampson" didn't loose his strength. He looked so grown up...but oh how I miss those golden curls!

Our August Birthday Boys!
We had Samuel and Brennan's birthday parties together this year. Since their birthdays are so close we figured while they are little we will celebrate on the same day. I think as they get older though we will celebrate them on different days. Many friends and family came to celebrate the lives of our boys and we couldn't have asked for better weather. In August we were outside and it wasn't hot or humid. Brennan enjoyed his first tastes of cake as you can see from the above picture. He had no trouble finishing the whole cupcake all by himself! Samuel requested a crocodile cake (it's actually cupcakes put together) and we all got a kick out of how cute it turned out; his Tati is very good at cake decorating (shhhh don't tell him I told). There was also a pink pig pinata, which Samuel helped us make. He loved getting his hands all goopy with the paste and newspaper. Scott and I were worried that it was going to be to thin to hold all the candy, but we must have gone a little over board. The pig was as hard as a rock; it took Scott to break it open! It was a wonderful day...I can't believe how grown my boys are getting.
Em - they're so big! I can't believe it. Samuel is so grown up and Brennan is such a cutie! I miss you very much. And, I miss spending fall with you :) Love you lots!
Great pictures, we have to get Mom some updated ones for her digital picture frame. I'm so glad you do a blog!
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