Rosy cheeks!

Another day we had some really "warm" weather; it was in the 40's and the snow was starting to melt. It was a perfect day to play outside and make a snowman. So, when Scott got home from work he took Samuel outside. They not only made a snowman, but also a snow work in abstract art or according to Scott and Samuel a spider ball. iImagine a huge snowball with a bunch of sticks randomly sticking out of it and basically that's what they made. It was even warm enough that Brennan was able to go outside and see his Tati and brother's works of art. Not to mention he got some fresh air...ahhh!

Lastly our winter adventures took us to the ice skating rink. Scott is a great ice skater. I, however, am not. I can skate, but very carefully, not going fast, and using the wall to stop myself...I once did the characteristic cartoon fall, you know the one. Arms flailing about round and around like pinwheels, legs straight out in front of me and then wham!...flat on my back. It was pretty embarrassing. Needless to say, I was not the one taking Samuel out on the ice. Yes, Samuel has begun to ice skate. They have cute little skates to rent and everything. It was a big event. Nana Carrie and Mema came to watch and I took pictures, but of course. Samuel did great. He was able to walk around on his skates right away. He only held on to Nana for a little while and then he was walking all alone, balancing like a pro on those tiny little blades. He went out on the ice helmet on his head and a scarf under his arms, which Scott used to keep him upright until he gets the feel for the ice. He did not want to leave the ice when it was time. Scott let him lay on his stomach and pulled him around so he would see that the ice is ok especially when he falls. Getting up on his own and balancing on his own two skates while on the ice where his first big accomplishments. Yes, he has a long way to go before he is skating on his own, but he is getting used to being on the ice and is not afraid. He has already been skating another time since. When we are home he will put on my slippers and pretend he is ice skating. I'm thankful that he is learning early so maybe when he falls at least it won't be like my horrible cartoon catastrophes.

Brennan waiting with Mema to watch his big brother out on the ice.

Pep talk with his Tati.

Winter is not over yet, I hope there are more winter wonders in store for us still!
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