Sunday, May 1, 2016

Got a Poem in Your Pocket?

Do you have a poem? Well here's some of our favorites for you to enjoy or hey even put them in your 
"pocket" to come back to when you need a smile! Our local library does this neat thing every April for National Poetry Month where you can submit a poem.  Well, unfortunately we missed the deadline to submit our poems, but since the kids filmed themselves reciting their poems I decided to post them here again on my blog.  Especially since Juwan actually allowed me to film him.  We also went to my mom's work and handed out poems for National Poem in Your Pocket Day.  The three oldest found poems that they liked and wrote them down.  Then we made copies and rolled them up to hand out to people.  It was nice to share our love of poetry with others and it was good for the kids to be stretched a bit by handing out poems and explaining why they were doing it.  We really enjoy poetry in this house and we hope you also enjoy these poems.  

Lige 3 years old

Lola 10 years old

Samuel 9 years old

Juwan 6 years old

Brennan 7 years old

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Buna Emily sunt eu Caragica Marius nr meu 0761333689