Saturday, March 7, 2015

Baby Lige...not a Baby Book, but It's a Start!

Baby Lige August was born on September 27, 2012.  Now, even though he is no longer a baby, but getting close to three years old, he is stilled called baby Lige by his siblings.  This all began even before he was born.  We knew he was a boy and that we were going to name him after my great grandfather Lige Earl Brush.  Thus, he remains baby Lige to this day.  Who knows how long he will be referred to as baby Lige; only time will tell.

Lige's namesake as I mentioned above, is my great grandfather.  We chose to name him this unique name because my great grandfather was such a unique character!  He was in his nineties still riding his bicycle because he could no longer drive his car. I remember when he was still driving and we were kids riding with him, you almost got whiplash because he would put on his breaks real quick, then speed up, put on the breaks, then speed up.  He also had one of those hula girls that would wobble her hips when the car moved.  It was a riot!  When he was younger he used to be a boxer. He also became the only dad my maternal grandpa ever knew, even though he wasn't his biological father.   We would often go visit him with my mom and he had a canary in his kitchen.  He was an onry old man too.  He was also very loving.  Always after visiting we would get big hugs from him and kisses.  I will forever remember his toothless grin and his spunk.  Even when he was diagnosed with cancer and had a colostamy, he continued to be that same old onry grandpa.  So, in some ways we gave our son my great grandpa's name in order to honor a really neat man.  We also hope that maybe some of these interesting and honorable qualities may be instilled in our little boy.  The same goes for his middle name, Scott's maternal grandfather played a huge role in his life and was a man of many admirable qualities, so August was passed on as well.  Interestingly, enough the name August is also in my family history.  My great great grandfather was from Poland (Prussia at the time) and his wife also.  Their names were August and Augusta.  Well, enough said about his name.

It's interesting how with new life there is often death.  We see it throughout our lives; death giving way to new life.  The story of Jesus' death and then resurrection to new life.  Not only did He physically die and then physically come to life again, but with His death we are promised new life.   Jesus took our punishment that we deserve because of our sins.   Because He did this, we now have a new hope, a new life transformed from the death of our sins to the life of His grace and forgiveness!  Also, we are promised by His word that even though our earthly bodies may die, we will live with Him eternally.  He has gone to prepare a place for us.  Nature shows us that even though the daffodils and tulips "die" every year, they return to us in all their splendor every spring!  So, we see this cycle of death and life all the time.  Lige's birth in many ways reminds me of this circle of life.

Going into labor I had the hopes of a natural child birth this time around.  I had previously had two cesarian sections and the idea of a natural child birth was exciting and scary.  My doctor had not even allowed me to try the second time after my first c-section, so I was surprised she brought it up.  So, when I went to the hospital that evening I thought this would be the plan.  However, my doctor never showed up to the hospital that morning.  Dr. Odunsi had delivered all of my birth children and I had always trusted her completely.  I knew something was wrong when another doctor showed up to deliver Lige and said he would not allow me to try a natural child birth.  Of course I was devastated and frustrated that I was going through labor pains all for nothing.  Before I was scheduled to deliver, Scott finally confessed to me that Dr. Odunsi had died that night.  It was sad news to hear and even sadder to discover all of this during labor.  To make matters worse, once I was in surgery my spinal tap did not take and I had to be put under general anesthetic.  Neither Scott nor I were able to see our precious boy come into this world!  I must say that when I came to, I was in great pain.  This was for two reasons: One they were out of some sort of pain medicine that is normally given before the patient wakes up and two because Mr. Lige had been wedged in diagonally.  I guess the doctor had to work very hard to get him out.  So, in many ways it was a God send that I had not been allowed to try to deliver naturally.  A healthy baby boy entered into this world... Dr. Odunsi had departed this world. She will be remembered by many women.  She had a wonderful smile and laugh.  She always remembered my boys and asked about them.  She had great advice and cared deeply for her patients.  She made women feel comfortable in those situations where it is easy to feel embarrassed.  I will remember her always and know she helped bring my children safely into this world.

Lige is such a whirlwind of a boy.  He loves tractors, actually he loves any type of machine that is humongous!  It is strange because I know this is supposed to be a "boy" thing, but I really have not gone out of my way to introduce my boys to "cars and trucks and things that go." However, they all have taken some interest in these things.  Yet, I would have to say that Lige truly is intrigued by machines and seeks them out, searches for them when we are driving, and is normally the first to spot something ginormous with four wheels.  I will forever love the memory of him standing at our front picture window watching, for what seemed like hours, the tractors working out in the field.  Last fall we were blessed by the farmer who works those fields.  He just so happens to go to our church and offered to take my husband and Lige for a ride one day!  Besides being a tractor man, he also loves books and building with blocks or big legos.  Like all children he loves and gets annoyed by his older siblings.  But he truly has them wrapped around his little finger.  He calls Samuel, Bubba and Brennan, Brenny, he calls Juwan, Ju Ju, and Lola, he usually says Lalo.  Some funny things he says are: "I have idea!"  He also calls marbles, Narbles.  Another thing he does, which he got off the movie, "Box Trolls" is he will come up to you grab your hand to shake it and say, "Nice to MEET you!'  The accent he always puts on the MEET.  Some of his favorite books have been, "Machines at Work" by Byron Barton,  "Cars and Things That Go" by Richard Scary, "Old McDonald Had a Workshop," and "Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site."

Baby Lige...he makes my heart smile.  I may not have a baby book for him yet, but this blog post is a start.  My baby, the words on this page are only a small glimpse at the awesome little guy he is and continues to become.  My prayer is that he will love the Lord with all his heart, soul, and strength!


Hubs said...

If it is any consolation, my kids do not have baby books, my blog is not nearly up-to-date, I have no journal of cute sayings, and we can't even remember what kid did what when ;)

Scott and Emily's Blog said...

Thanks Amanda
That makes me feel better :) then I'm not the only one!