Monday, October 24, 2011

Birthday fun!

This is a little late coming, but here are some pictures of Samuel's 5th and Brennan's 3rd Birthday!  It was a perfect August day, not too hot, even if a little buggy.  Samuel and Brennan enjoyed the company of family and friends.  This years "cake" was a robot...Scott, Carrie (Nana), and I had great fun putting the robot together.  Samuel even stayed up a little while to help with some of the icing.  Once again, my mind is baffled at where the time went.  It seems like not so long ago we were planning for the arrival of our first he's 5, Brennan is 3, and Juwan is almost 2!  Time is going by too rapidly for me...I wish for the ability to slow it down, but I cannot.  I guess I'm the one who needs to slow down and simply take it all in before it is gone.  

Robot cup"cake"

Blow out those candles boys!

The boys' sister, Lola, came for the party!

My friend Christina came also, what fun!

Juwan enjoying some cake.

Lola feeding Samuel candy off the cupcake.


Playing with Grandpa Chuck.


If birthdays happened once a week
Instead of once a year,
Think of all the gifts you'd get
And all the songs you'd hear
And think how quickly you'd grow up;
Wouldn't it feel queer
If birthdays happened once a week
 Instead of once a year?

This is a poem from a book by Mary Ann Hoberman, that we are reading for school.  It just so happened we started reading around their birthdays.  They got a kick out of it.  

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