Spring has
definitely arrived in our neck of the woods and we are sure relieved! Our kids have been getting very antsy to be out of the house. I must say I was running out of creative ideas also. Our flowers, that Scott, Lola, and Nana planted last fall, have bloomed and are so beautiful. Lola and Samuel, not to mention Scott and I, have been anxiously observing their progress since the first signs of green started to sprout. It is amazing to think that Lola has now been with us through three seasons of change. This is the longest we have had a foster child and at times I almost feel like she has been with us from the beginning. Then I need to check myself and remember this is temporary...too easy to get your feelings dashed if you let yourself forget this.

Along with the changes of the season it seems that our family is going through many changes. Samuel and Lola continue to amaze us with the new words and things they learn everyday. This year was Samuel's first Easter to get an actual Easter basket...it didn't come from the Easter bunny (although I have nothing against those who do use this tradition with their children). Scott and I just wanted the candy part of Easter to be used as a means of celebrating Jesus Christ's
Resurrection from the dead. Needless to say Samuel and Lola both love smarties (mama sure enjoys them too ). We finally put the baskets in storage, thank goodness, because every morning they would see them and ask for "
bomboane" candy.

Samuel and Lola both participated in the annual Easter egg hunt down at the farm with all their cousins. Samuel tallied 3 eggs and I'm sure Lola had more because she had her 17 year old cousin Gretchen helping her out.

Another welcomed change is that both Lola and Samuel have been using the "potty." Samuel is only using diapers for nap and bedtime. Lola is pretty much potty trained. In some ways I guess this is me bragging, but more than that this is me "PRAISING GOD!" because I really wanted them to be out of diapers before the baby comes. Not to mention Scott and I really hate the impact disposables have on our environment. So, forgive my bragging a little after all I'm really bragging about my kids and how great THEY are doing.

We have also added a few changes to Lola's room. I say "we" but it was mostly Scott; the kids and I watched. However, Samuel did like to help Tati when the opportunity arose. He is amazed with tools and anything that has moving parts. This new closet organizer allowed us to actually have an organized space for all the toys. We moved all of Lola's shoes to a drawer where she could play with them. Samuel also likes to play with Lola's shoes. I'm sure someday he may hate some of these pictures, but I think it's great he loves to dress up.

This last change may seem a silly one to mention, but this picture was too cute not to add in to our "theme". About 4 months ago I decided to chop my hair short, I mean boy short. For those of you who know me, it's like I had in
high school. It had been a long time since I had really short hair, but when she cut it all off it was very freeing. I heard myself saying it's just hair and I really felt good when it was done. Well, Scott decided that summer was coming and with his camp job he to would cut off all of his hair and beard. This picture just shows the process...he buzzed it all off the top and shaved the rest of the beard. Samuel did not know what to think when it was all said and done :)
Well, hope you are all enjoying some beautiful Spring weather where you are experiencing changes both beautiful and challenging.
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