Happy New Year! The Davidson boys ushered in the New Year with those in Dublin, being that midnight here is still a little too late for our crew. Yet, do not let it be said that the Davidson family doesn't know how to have fun! We went ice skating (Brennan's first time and Juwan watched with Mema), our good friend Christina was there to celebrate, played a quick game of find the alarm clock, danced an Irish jig, made some noise with bubble wrap and balloons, and played some charades. The boys were in bed before nine and us adults had time for a quick card game before seeing a late movie, War Horse. It was a great time. I am eager to see what God has in store for us this year! I know that we will continue to see our boys grow leaps and bounds, which brings me joy at the thought of it. However, as always a new year also has me looking back. Why can I not simply be joyful at the coming year without the sadness of what is fleeting?
Christina with Juwan |
Popping bubble wrap...that's confetti in Juwan's hair! |
Had to add this picture; it was taken New Year's Day. Juwan and Brennan's new favorite thing is to make a "nest" and just sit in it together...ahhh brothers. |