Everyday, I see Brennan and Samuel changing so much and I look back at pictures of Samuel as a baby and even Brennan when he was newborn and am amazed at how much they have changed. I am also struck by how similar they look; I mean Brennan really looks like Samuel when he was a baby. I definitely see differences also, but am completely amazed at how these two brothers really do look alike. During my pregnancy I often wondered if this baby (Brennan) would look like Samuel or different. I mean my sisters and I have some similarities, but I wouldn't say we look alike. So, who is that baby? Can you tell which one is Brennan and which one is Samuel?
Isaiah 61:3 God speaks of His redemptive qualities. How He can bring about beauty from ashes and gladness from mourning! They explain further that God can take something and grow it into "a planting, for the display of His splendor." Isaiah 61:4 talks about "rebuilding ancient ruins and renewing ruined cities." In this blog I hope to show how our family longs to be a "planting of the Lord" for "God's splendor." We have been "broken cities" that are renewed by God's love and grace!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Who's that baby? Part 2
Everyday, I see Brennan and Samuel changing so much and I look back at pictures of Samuel as a baby and even Brennan when he was newborn and am amazed at how much they have changed. I am also struck by how similar they look; I mean Brennan really looks like Samuel when he was a baby. I definitely see differences also, but am completely amazed at how these two brothers really do look alike. During my pregnancy I often wondered if this baby (Brennan) would look like Samuel or different. I mean my sisters and I have some similarities, but I wouldn't say we look alike. So, who is that baby? Can you tell which one is Brennan and which one is Samuel?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Who's that Baby?
Brennan loves to look at the baby in the mirror. He doesn't quite know yet that this baby is him! He sure loves to smile and flirt with that baby. Anyway, hope you get a kick out of Brennan laughing and smiling at the baby in the mirror.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Before I was a Mom
Before I was a Mom, I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations. Before I was a Mom, I had never been puked on. Pooped on. Chewed on. Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night. Before I was a Mom, I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests. Or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep. Before I was a Mom, I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put her down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom. Before I was a Mom, I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy. Before I was a Mom, I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Samuel...In the Night Kitchen
"warned" me that there was nudity in the book. I could have laughed out loud...she doesn't know that our Samuel loves to be naked, and not just naked, "butt naked" according to him :)
Here is our "Mickey" naked with whisk and jug in hand, cheesing it up!
If you want to see some more go to this link...
In the Night Kitchen - Google Book Search
Thanksgiving has come and gone and it's hard for me to believe that already Brennan has experienced so many firsts...first Halloween, first snow (which was yesterday, so pretty), first smile, and now his first Thanksgiving. He is getting so big and his personality is starting to shine through. He is such an easy going baby for the most part, except he is such a fidgety nurser...he will only nurse if he is hungry and even then it isn't always a relaxing experience. Samuel would nurse and nurse and nurse and nurse some more if I would have let him :) Brennan loves to be cuddled and he will just look up at me with the sweetest little smile. When placed on his belly he will turn his body, sometimes in a half of a circle turn by moving his arms and upper body. Believe it or not, he was getting up on his knees; he is strong. Anyway, our Thanksgiving weekend has been a bit hectic since Lola and Samuel have been pretty sick, but we still managed to see some family and eat a lot of turkey and pumpkin pie, Yummy! Here are a few picks of our Brennan Marian's first Thanksgiving!
Brennan with his cousin Erin...she is soo good with all the little kids!
Brennan with Great Granny Mary
Brennan with Kristen, uncle John's favorite gal :)
Brennan with his Mema!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Nothing Gold Can Stay
I adore Autumn; I can say that it is my favorite season of all. All the beautiful changing colors of the trees, the crisp air, trips to the pumpkin patch, considerably less bugs, trick-or-treating, and just a feeling of nostalgia that overcomes me during this time...this is what I love about Fall. However, it comes and goes so quickly that I sometimes feel as though I didn't stop and enjoy all the beauties it has to offer. In our back yard we have a tree, Maple (i think), and it turns the most brilliant golden yellow. If you stand under it and look up, it's as if you are looking into a sea of gold, sparkling with sunlight. It is magnificent and the camera can't catch the true glory of it. This golden sea is there for but a couple of days; if we are lucky a week. Then it is gone...all the leaves have fallen to the ground. The beauty of fall lasts but minutes compared to the other seasons. I think in many ways this is what makes it so very special...because it is so fleeting.
Painting his pumpkin.
"Happy Halloween!" from our little bear and our little firefighter.
Brennan with his Tati.
Playing in the fallen leaves...yes he is in his pajamas :)
Wonderful red of Autumn!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Winnie the Pooh or Winnie the Poo?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bine Ai Venit pe Pamant Brennan Marian!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I would never do that!
Scott had a soccer game the other day and Lola was gone on a visit so I wanted to do something with Samuel besides stay home and wait for Scott to get back. After nap I took Samuel and Brennan (for those of you who don't know this is our precious new arrival) and we went to watch Tati's soccer game. Samuel was so excited to see the copii play futbol and the rain looked as if it had stopped; so off we went. I'm feeling pretty good about getting us all out. Samuel and Brennan in the double stroller, Brennan nursed and sleeping, beautiful cool fall weather, out of the house, what more could I ask for. Well, not more than probably 15 minutes after our arrival the clouds begin to darken and it gets down right cold! Then it starts to rain and rain hard. I head back to the car with what speed I can muster pushing a double stroller with a two year old and baby in car seat through the wet grass. I decide to put Samuel in the front seat and then put Brennan in so we can wait for Scott to get done. I set him in and the diaper bag, then start pushing Brennan over to his side of the van. No problem, until I hear the familiar sound of van doors locking...still nothing to worry about, until I realize that the keys are securely latched onto the diaper bag strap!
By this time, it is pouring down rain; I'm soaked and thank God Brennan is pretty well covered from the elements. I then proceed to try and get Samuel to unlock the door by pushing the same button he had just pushed. He does well pushing the button but is pushing it in the wrong direction. I am getting frantic, and I raise my voice trying to get Samuel's attention, which keeps getting averted to the newly acquired little toy train. At some point I think Samuel began to grasp the seriousness because he kept pushing the button over and over and had this sad, scared, embarrassed look on his face. Maybe when a small crowd began to gather and my voice was a little louder than usual. I have to admit I even cussed (not at Samuel) a few times. Finally, by God's grace a van pulled up that had a hanger and my window was down just enough, that after a couple of tries, I was able to push the button and get in the van. I felt terrible because I know Samuel thought I was mad at him and that he was in trouble. I just kept explaining to him that I was sorry I yelled, but that I was scared and I wasn't mad at him. Whew, needless to say we all went out for pizza after that, no cooking at home for stressed out mom :)
So, I am one of those parents who has now locked their child in the car, but at least the fire department didn't have to be called. I guess I wanted to "confess" to all of you because I to often have jumped the gun in judging others, especially parents. I hope now I might be a little less quick with my comments...I hope!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Summer Days
The following weekend we went to Nana Carries and had fun at this fountain in the city then at the beach. Lola and Samuel loved the water at both places and had so much fun. Unfortunately, that night Samuel was running a 102 temp and had diarrhea. He seemed better after a couple of days.
Samuel and Lola both helped Poppy and Mema bottle feed his new baby deer. Samuel thought it was pretty neat, but ultimately wanted out to see the tractors again. He loves tractors. Lola didn't care too much for the whole experience :)
I love this picture of Samuel and Great Grandpa Bill. Grandpa is showing him tractors in a magazine. Samuel loves Grandpa Bill.
Fun in the pool! Samuel is a water baby; it doesn't matter...hose, puddle, watering can, pool, bathtub, rain, or shower...he loves it. Lola loves it as long as you don't spray her with the water especially near the face. They have been to the "big" pool twice now with me and my niece Erin and have had a lot of fun.
I had to post this picture because I was absolutely amazed at how beautiful my "maci" poppies were this year. Scott planted these poppies for me because I love them and they remind me of Romania. It is interesting to see these huge paper thin petals bloom from this tiny little shell.
Here is a picture that does not do justice to how nice and well kept Scott's garden is. He and Carrie spent a lot of time weeding and then putting wood chips over it all. He has had several comments even from neighbors as to how nice it looks. We have already eaten broccoli, salad, dill, oregano, basil, onions, raspberries (actually Samuel has eaten most of those :) and garlic from it this summer. My personal favorite has been the dill; I add to everything and it's really good on hot dogs (who knew).
Here's our big boy again in the "apa"...this time in his birthday suit!
Here is a picture of Samuel in Chicago...Carrie took us to this park downtown and there was this big silver blob thing. The kids loved it...well us adults thought it was pretty "cool" also.
Here is Samuel having a blast in the "fountain." The kids loved this place...they didn't want to leave, but we wanted them to have a taste of what the beach is like.
For all of you who are curious as to how the belly is growing, here is a belly shot at the beach. Not a very good one, but you get the idea.
Scott dug a hole in the sand and Samuel and Lola had fun just standing in it and playing with the sand.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sneak Peek!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
I'm not sure what this poze is all about.
I laughed and laughed and then laughed some more when I saw Samuel's crack shining. Then Lola laughed and then Samuel turned around and laughed.
Samuel "kissing" the fish. They both had such fun climbing on these things.
What can I say? I am truly blessed...he is so beautiful!
Samuel watching some kids play "futbol" soccer. I love the hand behind his back! The next two pictures are when Samuel turned to us and said "Pa Pa" "Bye Bye" and then started walking. He just kept going until we stopped him.
Speaking of seeing your children experience bumps and bruises ...about a week ago. I took Samuel and Lola to the park to see Scott. He was having a play day with his kids there. We were having fun until Samuel busted his lip on the steps leading to the slide. Blood was going everywhere. I had to stop it with my hand. Good thing there was a kind lady there who gave me some tissues. It didn't look too bad from the outside, but on the inside there was a huge chunk of fatty like tissue sticking out. Took him to the doctor and they said no need for stitches. Well, more than a week later the rest is healing but the tissue inside is still sticking out. As a matter of fact, Samuel bit it on accident the other day and it started bleeding. Poor guy. So back to the doctor...he still thinks it will go away...but wants to see him again in two weeks. Pray that God heals it and there will be no need for any other means of removing it! Here is a picture of the inside.